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Mother and Daughter Love
Our services help our clients. Our profits help others.

Learn more about our social responsibility commitments by visiting profval.ORG

ProfVal is a purpose-driven business, so what does that mean?

To us, it means improving equality.

Through socially responsible business practices and contributions to our communities, we strive to play a small part in transforming the world for the better. 


Social responsibility in business practices

We believe that business worth doing must be done ethically and responsibly.  In our business practices, we take care to ensure that:

  • our clients are treated with professionalism and respect

  • we provide the best quality within the industry. As a majority professor-owned company, we strictly examine our evaluators and will only include people who have earned their credentials from respected institutions within their fields and have maintained their professional certifications.

  • evaluators meet high academic standards based on their credentials and provide evaluations to the best of their ability

  • evaluations will only be based on information that we and/or evaluators believe to be accurate

  • evaluators have the option to reject a case for any reason.  We will not treat an evaluator differently if he/she rejects a case.

  • we ask evaluators to reject a case and we will reject it if they and/or we have reason to believe that the candidate or position does not meet our standards of ethics.  

Social responsibility in our communities through

We believe that our services benefit talented foreign workers and US companies. We also believe that companies have an obligation to strengthen their communities by promoting education, inclusion, and social welfare. We pledge to contribute at least 1% to charities that strengthen communities in the United States and worldwide. Contributions may represent a combination of profits (no less than 1%) and our time through services.  If our clients make contributions via, we will increase our contributions beyond this amount.

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