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Discipline Coverage & Requirements of Experts

要成為 ProfVal 的專家,必須證明 通過結合學術證書、出版物、工作經歷和/或其他重要成就來獲得特殊能力。  


與我們合作的大多數專家都是獲得認可的美國學院或大學的教授,他們在其學科內獲得了最終學位、教學、獲獎並做出了寶貴的智力貢獻(即同行評審的研究、演講或藝術成就)。  有些是系主任、助理或副院長,或院長。  其他專家因其學科內的重大成就(即獲得學院獎、獲得奧運獎牌、獲得最終學位或管理其學科內的重大項目)而成為其領域的領導者。


在使用 ProfVal 付款之前,您可以選擇請求匿名版本的專家背景。同時刪除識別信息以保護我們評估的完整性 過程*,我們可以提供有關他們的專業領域、學位水平、他們發表的期刊或他們獲得的獎項類型的信息。

*為什麼在做出評估之前專家的身份會被保密?專家永遠不應該覺得有必要寫出他們不同意的評估。通過在進行評估之前對其保密,專家可以僅根據申請人或受益人的優點接受評估。專家必須有機會拒絕評估而不受懲罰 如果他們太忙,了解被評估的人,或者不認為證書符合他們的要求。

Math Teacher

100+ Experts & Dozens of sub-disciplines

We work with some of the top experts in the U.S. across dozens of disciplines. If we don't already work with an expert in your area of need, we may still be able to find the right person.

Round Library

Recognized thought leaders

A key indicator of an academic's influence is the number of citations from their work. Combined across all areas, the faculty we work with have more citations of their work than many accredited US colleges.

Woman on Podium

World-renowned credentials

The experts we work with have won awards, been honored, and share our ethical commitment to the evaluation process.  We work together with you to ensure that an expert with the right background completes your evaluation.

All professors we work with have earned their degrees from accredited universities and are affiliated with accredited, ranked US colleges and Universities. Industry leaders have titles such as director, VP, or other leadership roles.

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