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H-1B स्पेशलिटी ऑक्यूपेशन एक्सपर्ट ओपिनियन लेटर

*कभी-कभी इसे H-1B विशेषज्ञ पत्र या विशेष व्यवसाय पत्र कहा जाता है

Add a Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS) 2 Analysis onto your Immigration Business Plan Order.

What is a RIMS II Analysis? uses RIMS II multipliers to quantitatively demonstrate the economic implications of an endeavor, thus providing evidence of the national implications associated with the formation of a business.

How do we do this? ProfVal utilizes the BEA's Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II) tool to assess the economic impact of an endeavor on the surrounding region as part of your Visa Business Plan (also called an Immigration Business Plan).

As it was developed by the  United States Bureau of Economic Analysis, the tool provides authoritative estimates of a project’s regional impact.

हम आप्रवासन वकीलों से प्यार करते हैं: प्रोफ़ेवल के साथ काम करने से आपकी टीम अपना समय वहां केंद्रित कर सकती है जहां यह सबसे अधिक मायने रखता है... आपकी कानूनी विशेषज्ञता और समर्थन।

अनुभवी लेखकों और विशेषज्ञों की हमारी टीम निम्नलिखित के माध्यम से एक प्रभावी याचिका प्रस्तुत करने में आपकी सहायता कर सकती है:

  • आप्रवासन फिर से शुरू

  • समर्थन पत्र

  • व्यावसायिक या व्यावसायिक योजनाएँ

  • विशेषज्ञ राय पत्र

सभी कानून फर्म हमारी सेवाओं पर 4% छूट के लिए पात्र हैं।

Our  RIMS II Approach

RIMS II Variants

A RIMS II Analysis from ProfVal is built based both on the assumptions made within your Immigration Business Plan created by ProfVal and the RIMS 2 multipliers developed by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.  Thus we take into account the following when developing your assessment:

  • ​​Your Business Projections:  A RIMS II analysis is built from the financial model of your business.  

  • The Industry: Depending on industry, the Bureau of Economic Analysis makes different projections.

  • The region: RIMS II models are available across multiple geographic scales, from individual states to metropolitan areas and counties.

RIMS II Variants

We offer two variants:​

  • A brief RIMS II Assessment within your business plan:  When we include a RIMS II assessment within your Immigration Business Plan, we provide a 4-5 page assessment that provides a quantitative assessment that shows the regional impact of your plan

  • A detailed RIMS II Assessment signed by an Economist: The detailed version of a RIMS II assessment is added as a stand-alone document.  It is 8-10 pages long and provides additional interpretation, including a discussion related to priorities the local, state, or national government.

We can only guarantee our ability to provide a RIMS II assessment if your Immigration Business Plan was created in collaboration with ProfVal.

Read our research blog

नीचे हमारी व्यावसायिक योजना और व्यावसायिक मुख्य बातें देखें

इस भाषा में अभी तक कोई पोस्ट प्रकाशित नहीं हुई
पोस्ट प्रकाशित होने के बाद, आप उन्हें यहाँ देख सकेंगे।
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